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Old 03-27-2007, 01:17 AM   #7
20psi boost
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Wow, sounds like you had a fun time.

Yes, if your turbo seals are shot, you will burn oil like your rings were bad. So I think it was your problem all along. (why didn't I think of that!)

That sound you hear is your turbo dying.

As far as overheating, if the heater core hose blew and THEN it overheated then that would explain it. If it overheated and THEN the heater core hose blew, well then you have other issues.

My car overheated one day, I changed the thermostat and beat the shit outta it on the highway then next day and it didn't overheat. The following day I was driving and then out of nowhere it just pegged to the H and my aftermarket gauge read 230F. Thats when I got fed up and started my head gasket repair.

Last edited by IHateHacks; 03-27-2007 at 01:20 AM.
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