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Old 03-28-2007, 05:07 PM   #137
20psi boost
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Took it on 84 yesterday, cruised at like 70 boosted it a couple times gauge read consistently at 195-200, then when I got off and waited at a stop light it crept up to around 205 but never got any higher than that.

Then today I just grandma'd it around backroads for a few minutes and when I got home I shut it off and the gauge read this-

Now before I shut it off it was on the other side of 190 (around 195) but as soon as I shut it off (gauge is hooked up to ACC) the gauge reads 185. So I guess my guage is like 5-10 degrees inaccurate. Thats what I get for buying a cheapo electric temp gauge.

And whoever sticky'd this, wow thanks I'm flattered, I really am. I never thought I'd make a lasting impression on this site. Thanks again!
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