Originally Posted by redmaro
Its the opposite with me, I hardly ever find a car worthy of racing and when I do find one they wont race me. 
So many pesky ricers around , even when I'm on a inclined street on a stoplight
When I rock back b4 I got when I inch forward, sumthing in their heads believe it a race everytime they hear exhaust noises beside them
It does get annoying
Especially the idiots that tail you so close so they can switch lanes to try and race you
I swear to god , if only I ddnt only have liablity insurance on my car, I'm gonna start brake-checking these idiots
Although, I do love racing those stupid v8 cars, the best is when they try to pass me on my right, they try their ass off to hurry cuz pretty soon there's gonna be a stack of cars in front him
But most of the time they back-off after I hit full boost in secong gear and ,the sound
Waaaaaahhh, pssshhh ssshhh ssshhh
Makes them realize they got a slow ass gas-guzzler