now your codes r one thing. i build turbo cars for a living. that black smoke is oil. check your turbo. under load oil will seep past the ceramic seals, will end up burnig makin black smoke. now your computer is self componsating. which means it adjusts itelf. the o2 sesor picks up bad exaust, puts more fuel, more air but it gets worse. thats your air code. check the turbo
Originally Posted by kidthunder650
my supra was running ok when i baught it. it had some problems under boost but when crusing it ran good. suposbly has a rebuilt 7mgte and a new stock turbo, and various new parts here and there.
now its running like compleat crap and blows tons and tons of thick black smoke,
it doesnt always start and is not driveable. i changed the plugs and fuel filter.
i just went out and got codes 22 24 and 31 out of the car. i had unplugged the computer and battery and waited about an hour went out got the car started. that was a project in it self, ran it for about 10 minutes and then checked codes. the car ran like ass and wanted to die the whole time.
the person before me didnit align the cam sensor correctly and i can not figure out how ethier. i know this is contributing to my running problems.
my temp sensor is broken so i know thats what code 22 is for. i havent looked at code 24 yet, that is an intake air temp code.
code 31 is what i think might be my problems. that is a air flow meter code for a 7mgte engine. that would be my maf sensor on the intake tube, correct? This would make the car run like crap if it was broken.
if anyone has one laying around i would be glad to buy it as its worth a shot in fixing my car.