Thread: IJZ or 2JZ swap
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Old 04-03-2007, 06:08 AM   #6
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Default Still not sure

The 2JZ is always sticking in my head... I can get all the stuff needed with it for $2000 but it's installation that scares me. $2500 + is what they're saying

$4500 + total, all this for 330 HP if I'm lucky

Or the 1JZ swap is my next bet, I can get everything i need for $1000 but it will need an ignitor chip. Not sure about installation, will the firewall need to be pushed into so the 2 turbos will fit? I'm not sure what this one will total but as far as cost I'm thinking.

Ignitor chip $130
Mounts? $40
Intercooler $120
Intake aftermarket $30 (ebay)
Installation $1000+?
Engine $1000

$3320 total and i may have like 300 HP on that one?

as far as a 7MGTE anyone know what there difference in pricing would be to install this vs a 1JZ. I'd much rather a 2.5 TT just b.c it's a sweeter looking engine than a 7MGTE.

Any help or past expiriences would sure be helpful =]

Thanks all
Alek James =]
3.0 N/A
1989 Supra Targa
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