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Old 04-13-2007, 05:37 PM   #3
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 214
D_Train is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by supramacist
Starting the engine is the main culprit of engine wear. When you go out in the morning and crank on it. All of the engines oil has drained to tbe bottom of the pan. So when you start it..., the engine begins to circulate the oil.

So if you start up and take off, then you are running the engine before it has a chance to lubricate it self.

Now as far as warming up..., I do it hot or cold weather. If you ever noticed that when you start the auto it revs higher on idle than it does after you drive it to the stop sign or light.

So to find the optimum rpm to let you know when your auto is warm go out in the morning and start it up and watch the tack. It'll settle down somewhere around 1000 rpm's. When you notice the idle calm down, look at the tack this is where I warm my auto to on every start. It usually takes a song and a half or two songs on the radio to get it warm.

I hope this helps you.
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