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Old 04-24-2007, 07:04 AM   #19
3" Exhaust
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Location: Milwaukee, WI
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Originally Posted by cars4me89
I'm not sure how accurate previous statements have been about how ethylene glycol is what raises the boiling tempurature. In fact, the radiator cap is what raises the boiling tempurature of the fluid. All that coolant/anti-freeze does is lower the freezing point and provide anti-corrosive agents to the mixture. I believe that the formula for your boiling point of the cooling system is for every 1 psi your radiator cap is rated to equals 3 degrees farenheit higher boiling point tempurature. So, since Supra radiator caps are manufacturer specified at 13 psi, that would equal a total boiling point of (straight water, 50/50, 70/30), whatever you're using to around 255 degrees farenheit.
I dissagree. The mixture definately plays a part in the boiling point. Think about it. If he was running straight water, his boiling point would be 100 deg. celcius indefinately. No questions asked, that IS what it would be.
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