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Old 04-29-2007, 06:09 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: memphis
Posts: 17
joebuffalo is on a distinguished road
Default Need help! Trouble after engine rebuild

We just got thru with a JDM engine rebuild..(head gasket for the 3rd time!) (yes I finally did the metal headgasket thing.. block machined and lapped along with the head. I think we finally have this headgasket issue solved once and for all!) Anyways we got the motor all back in the car and went to crank it up....nothing. Wouldn't turn over at all. Messed with the starter wires and battery cable and finally got it to turn still didn't start but we then noticed smoke from behind the battery. Turns out we had a bare wire on the main battery cable and shorted everything out. We fixed this and as soon as we hooked the battery back up the check engine light is on! Now this is on without the ignition switch on!! Still the motor won't crank. We did some more troubleshooting and determined we have no spark at all. We think after doing some ohms and volt testing (following the TSRM guide)that the igniter is bad. We would appreciate any input!!
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