Thread: Engine Light
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Old 06-08-2005, 01:56 AM   #1
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 55
Supra91_ishot is on a distinguished road

I need help on this really badly. I have a 1989 Toyota Supra Turbo. If anyone had an answer, please help me out.

Okay, my car is starting to have some problems, now I am seeing the "engine light" come on. Whenever I start my car, it doesn't come on, but when I am driving it for a couple of minutes, it comes on. When it is off, the car still drives nicely and still has the same power, but when the "engine light" comes on, the car seems to lose power.

I took it to a shop called "Precision Tune Auto Care". They told me that it's the coolant sensor. They say it's going to be around $280 plus for repairing it. Then, I took it to a Toyota dealership, and I didn't let them checked on it yet but one guy who worked there ask another guy who have worked with Supras before and that guy told me that it's not the coolant sensor, it's probably something else like the wires and ignitions and etc...

Do you guys have any clue what's cuasing this problem?

Remember, when the "engine light" is off, my car drives the same, like it still has power, but when the "engine light" comes on my car loses power. Even when my turbo kicks in, the car is still slow.

Any help would be really appreciated.

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