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Old 05-16-2007, 07:26 PM   #53
12psi boost
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: salem mass
Posts: 329
marc is on a distinguished road

yes i am running the k&n intake. it is amazing, id say one of the best. if nto the best. ur turbo breathes a lot better w it alos, i noticed a difference right away in sound and power. i love the sound of my turbo with the intake.

another question, is there any way to get new gaskets for the fuel injectors w.o buying new talking about the black peice that sits on the side of the block, adn the o-rings. i baught a gasket set but it did not come with them

nothing but the best
-mods- so far
K&N intake fipk
3" megan downpipe
3"turbo elbow
4 washers on the wastegate
highflow cat
short shifter
89+ front bumper, pic soon to come
many more upgrades soon
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