Originally Posted by IHateHacks
What about weight? You can have 1000hp in a freaking 50 ton tank, you aint gonna go too fast...
True, but tanks were never mentioned in this thread...till now.
Originally Posted by IHateHacks
I haven't researched it...
Originally Posted by IHateHacks
...but I'd put my money on the viper weighing alot less than a mk4 supra, but hey I may be wrong...
Yep, and you'd loose your $ too:
I sure wouldn't call the difference of a couple of extra cheeseburgers over lunchtime "a lot less".
Originally Posted by IHateHacks
...And unless you have dyno sheets to prove this said Mk4 has 1000hp and this said viper has 700hp then you really don't know who has the power advantage.
Of course that's true, but the person that started the thread claimed to know the true horsepower levels of these two vehicles. Sure we could say he's an idiot or a liar or gullible or all three, but this is a car list. The discussion only gets interesting if we take his facts at face value, and discuss the situation from there...
Btw, 'I hate hacks' too, especially hacks that post opinions without researching them...

j/k lol