Where is the CO (carbon monoxide) reading? You have HC and 2 NO readings.
I only listed the readings I failed. I passed the others with flying colors.
What is this 25/25 and 50/15?
There are two tests. The numbers are something to do with the accuracy or something.
Have you replaced the spark plugs and wires yet?
Yes. Air filter?
Yes. Fuel filter?
No. Have you checked ignition timing?
No. All of these play a vital role in emissions output. Any stored codes?
Maybe. You should check the ECT sensor with an ohm meter. Replacing the O2 sensor won't hurt either.
Aren't you the one with the 200k mile supra? Good luck getting that thing to pass without an overhaul.
Shit. =]
Well, better get started,
Thanks for all the info,