Thread: Oil pressure
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Old 06-10-2005, 08:31 PM   #8
500whp yet?
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here is how i set the timing :

i pull spark plug number one and slide a long chop stick down into the cylinder then i turn it over by hand watching the stick go up and down (jesus make sure the stick is long enough ). when it's at the top i check the timing marks and adjust for 0 .then i adjust the cams so the notches on both are at 12 oclock . bolt in the cam sensor or the distrib and guestamate the position for it .
just setting the timing isn't good enough you will most likely need to adjust the distrib and you may need to twist it one way or the other to get it just right if it won't start . it's crucial that the distrib or sensor is place into the block at just the right angle
i'll point you again to the page suprra_girl pointed you at . this is for installing the distrib
step b is what you need to get right . even with the timing set correctly you could spin it over all day and get nothing without this distrib being in right
so once you set the timing ..the timing is set . it doesn't change if you try again tomorrow .
you need to try and twist your cap/distrib a little and turn it over , no dice try another twist same direction but a little further , still nothing try the other direction

worry about an oil gauge after you get it started
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