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Old 05-25-2007, 06:19 AM   #6
3" Exhaust
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Also check under the hood. The cable comes through the firewall, runs along a few hangers then drops down the passenger side to the trany. Two different mechanics worked on my '88 and did NOT re-hang the speedo cable properly so insulation melted while resting on the engine block...locking up the cable until it broke...

After the second time I no longer use mechanics. Fixed it myself. (pain in the ass too) Problem with our older car is not many "mechanics" know them well. They will say they do just to get your money but if you have never worked on your own Supra you are as qualified as most "mechanics". Start learning now and tomorrow you'll know more than the local shop (unless you are really lucky to have a Supra guy around)

I hope for your sake it's the lower 'pig-tail'. That's pretty easy. (2 piece cable)
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