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Old 05-27-2007, 08:55 PM   #22
12psi boost
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Default begin ,getting a little more info from the guys you bought it from would be very helpfull, as far as I understand..the engine has been sitting with no oil or coolant for over a year... first thing first.

1... remove all belts and try turning the engine with a breaker bar...
this will eliminate a zeised a/c compressor or alternator or something.

2...make sure supra is in neutral...dont forget to block wheels.

3...if none of this works, its possible that AT some point water got in the
combustion chambers and created some rust or a rust lip in the
cylinder wall that prevents the cylinder from going past it..
3.5 if this is the case ,remove the spark plugs and put engine oil or wd 40 or any rust penetrant in the combustion chambers, let it soak and try again to turn the cranck.

4..check for holes on your engine block...some of these are dificult since they tend to end up under the intake manifold near the starter..
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