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Old 05-31-2007, 03:24 AM   #3
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Texas Gulf Coast
Posts: 99
finaltable is on a distinguished road

I'm not knocking the Supra engine; just this evening I handed over a stack of $100 bills for a Supra and I am thrilled that I did. I've waited 18 years for this day. I'm just trying to understand a little about engine technology.

Maybe a good followup would be "why can't the 7M make numbers like that?" Let's compare apples to apples: the 2002 BMW straight 6 3 liter makes 225 HP and 214 ft-lbs of torque. The Honda is tuned to be a Honda; I imagine that even if I could put that engine in my Supra it wouldn't perform like my Supra does now. Could today's technology be applied to the 7M to make numbers like the 330i or is the block all wrong for what we now know?

BTW...the mpg numbers on the beemer are 19/27, much more in-line with the 7M. I expect that the 7M probably has a much broader power band than the Honda powerplant. No engine is both efficient and powerful otherwise they all would be.

Last edited by finaltable; 05-31-2007 at 03:44 AM.
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