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Old 05-31-2007, 04:15 AM   #2
tone loc
20psi boost
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Join Date: Jun 2006
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Posts: 706
tone loc is on a distinguished road

this has been covered millions of times before but i will say it again anyway.

1. making a n/a turbo requires work! you have to drill oil lines into your engine which can go wrong in about million ways. new ecu and a whole lot of diffrent things not to mention the engine itself which i think has a higher compression ratio which i dont actually know if that will be a problem.

2. im in the process of swaping to a turbo myself. first have to get the donor engine (either jdm or a pos with a good turbo engine). then you have to do what ever upgrades your ganna do (arp head studs, mhg, valves, etc....) then you put the engine in and figure out were everything goes and get your car to run. its a pain the ass and if your just starting to tune it is a long process because if your like me you want to know how everything works and how its put together.

3. you save your change and buy a turbo supra (best way to go IMO)

from hardest to easiest
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