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Old 06-02-2007, 09:54 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Lexington, Ky
Posts: 3
shedkitty is on a distinguished road
Default Skeptical buyer.

Hey everyone,
I'm thinking about buying a 1989 5-speed non-turbo targa supra with 167,000 miles for $800. The ad didn't say much about the car except that it needed "some engine work". I contacted the seller and he specified that the "some engine work" that it needed was "a bearing out of alignment on the crankshaft and (the engine) is slightly knocking as of result"
Now I've replaced crankshaft bearings before so I'm not worried about that but what I need to know is:
a) does this sound like a great deal on a car that wouldn't be too hard to fix? (I have no idea about the head gasket situation)
b) If the engine has been knocking for a while is there a good chance that there is extensive engine damage that would need to be fixed?
c) should I pass this one on and keep looking?

I haven't actually been able to look at or drive the car as it is an hour away from me but I just wanted to find out if that bearing was going to be a problem or not before I went all that way.

Thanks for your help.
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