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Old 06-06-2007, 12:16 AM   #5
12psi boost
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Kuwait
Posts: 292
f00g00 is on a distinguished road

Every time I get an estimate for any AC job it allways seems to be around 500 dollars and comes in a little higher when the job is done. Thats in the USA
and usually getting a new compressor and gas etc. In your case the Matrix will probably need to be taken apart cleaned and the motor checked. These cars have almost 20 years of dust buildup in there so it could be just really dirty and its gumming up the works. After mine was cleaned up it had more flow and didn't have that dusty smell when initially started.
I live in Kuwait and it cost me about 120 dollars to have my system cleaned re-gassed and put back together. Freon is cheap over here not like the USA. In the USA get freeze 12 and you can charge it up yourself cause its CFC free and you can buy it from most auto parts stores YeeHaa! Mechanics though I beleive aren't allowed to charge a car with it but I asked a mechanic in Phoenix when my 72 K/5 Blazer was getting a new compressor what that case of freeze 12 was hiding in the waiting area by the soda machines and he told me it was a replacement for freon 12, cfc free. I asked him if he could charge my blazer with it and save about 200 dollars and he said they can't. I asked if other shops are using it and charging for freon 12 and he said "Absolutely". hmmm.
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