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Old 06-13-2007, 07:45 PM   #3
3" Exhaust
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Originally Posted by cre
I wouldn't recommend running without a thermostat. If anything find a lower temp thermostat. Running without a thermostat can actually cause your engine temp to fluctuate, this is bad.

You might also want to check and see if there's any correlation to engine bay temp. It's possible that the heat of the engine bay is saoking some of the electronics, or that (if you've got an aftermarket air filter) your car doesn't like sucking warmer air into the intake.

I have a aftermarket k&n. so your saying i should try to isolate the filter so that its sucking in cooler air. such as a ram air or cold air intake. where would i beable to find a thermostate that is only 120 degree's. do you know of someplace i could find that at.
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