Thread: can someone
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Old 06-17-2007, 06:08 PM   #4
12psi boost
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: long beach, CA
Posts: 252
88Tsupra is on a distinguished road

i check my timing and its exactly at 10degree but the cam gear was all the way back and the car didnt want to start and it felt slow even when the turbo kickd in. but now i move the CPS to the position u had it on "hack" and the car sounds mean and is fasst now buh i didnt get to check the timing on it yet since i moved it around thanx man ur picture really helpd
88turbo targa-white
original Pin Stripe
custom intake-Tenzo filter.....Momo racing seats and steering wheel...
apexi exhaust tip-custom 3" piping. Replaced with RSR GT II
NGK plug and wires
HID conversion head lights
HKS Turbo Timer Type-1 (in black)
Tial BOV
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