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Old 06-29-2007, 03:36 PM   #10
12psi boost
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Kuwait
Posts: 292
f00g00 is on a distinguished road

Check the piping on the back of the block, one side has the heater hose and the other is plugged with a little rubber nipple and clamp. I had a slow leak that finally showed up when the plug finally blew, then I finally saw it as I was pouring water in the rad on the side of the road!
Chances are the water thats leaking out is evaporating on the back of the block or dripping down the transmission. You should be able to see some old staining there if thats where its leaking from. You can stick your hand back there when its cold and squeeze the hose or plug and you should get your hand wet if thats where its leaking.
The piping is designed for LHD and RHD due to locations of the heater valve on the firewall thats why one side has a plug.
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