ok im looking into getting a few new products for my 89 7mgte turbo supra.
the first one is a greddy turbo timer. my first question is, has anyone used a turbo timer? How hard are they to install yourself. And i dont really understand why i should buy this other then it will save the life of my turbo. is there any other benifits to having one of these. And has anyone ever bought from suprastore.com, any bad experiences.
GReddy Full Auto Turbo Timer
My secone purchase is going to be this boost controller. my question is has anyone tried this manual controler before. umm and i dont quite understand what i should do with it. can some one explain what the benifits are, and give me a breif discription on how it works. i got lost reading the discription on the website and i didnt totally understand it. thanks
DNA Manual Boost Controller