Put on slotted rotors yesterday. Only the front, with new organic pads. The rotors came with a sheet of paper telling you how to break the new rotors in and that you must use new pads with these rotors and it also recommends using semi-metallic pads. I couldn't find any store that had semi-metallics in stock only one store had a set of organic pads.
After you take the caliper and bracket off the old rotors come off with a block of wood and a big fuckin hammer. Or if you don't give a shit you can straight hit the rotor with the hammer. Just keep rotating the rotor and hitting it and it will eventually come off.
They look better out of the bag. I was going to paint the calipers and brackets but with the stupid sawblades it would have been pointless. Gotta order stainless steel lines and maybe the rotors for the back.