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Old 07-20-2007, 01:09 PM   #7
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 65
JPDsupra is on a distinguished road

1. What i want to know is When purchasing a MK4 Supra What are some of the common problems they have that i should look For E.g. (MK3 Usally have Bad Head Gaskets) What are the issues on a MK4 ?
What type of supra are you buying N/A or TT(twin turbo)?It all depends on which one your buying because both have really different engine and body configurations

2. I got a pretty reliable Stang, got a friend wanting to buy it like Fate on my side he is offering enough cash that i can add to my saved cash to buy a Supra. is this a Car reliable as a daily driver as i will be using it to go to Work, school, Gym, and my daily activities ?
Supras are extremely reliable I mean it a toyota and it can be used as a daily driver but it need to be properly maintained(timing belt etc.)

3.Off the bat, how much am i looking to spend on the car to get it tuned up, and pretty much set for daily driving. ( no i will not be racing this car for a long time to come, if i do decided to race).
When you mean getting it tuned up do you mean bigger turbo mods or do you mean fixing for daily driving because if you wanna tune the engine I would really suggest you get a twin turbo(easier and better to tune and come with a stronger 6 speed manual). Tuning up a supra can get really exppensive depends how uch rwhp you wanna get out of it

4.What is the average maintance Cost of this Car ?
I cant give an exact quote on how much it costs becauseit all depeneds on how much wear you put on your engine but this isnt like a honda civic

5. I never Put an alarm on my Stang, never thought some one would steal it. but im sure a Supra will catch the wrong attention at times, so What is the best or some of the best Alarm systems to buy And are they any precautions i should Take ?
Alarms should always be used you get a dicount on your insurance and you feel that your car is safe, this is my opinion I have this thing with alarms

I'm so excited but nervous at the same time, mainly since im not sure too much on what im getting myself into Yet im so Close to my dream. Im most likely Going to buy a non modded car, or as least modded as possible i hate modded rides, i can never be sure of the job they had done was Safe.
A high percentage of supras nowadays are modded and it isnt recommended that you buy a modded supra because they can be unsafe like you said. How much is you budget and how much do you plan to spend on this please answer these questions

Last edited by JPDsupra; 07-20-2007 at 01:17 PM.
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