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Old 07-21-2007, 01:51 PM   #8
Join Date: Jul 2007
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cageceo is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by JPDsupra
What type of supra are you buying N/A or TT(twin turbo)?It all depends on which one your buying because both have really different engine and body configurations
Well N/a since it would be less expensive, my Goal is to get the Car first, and then later on as time comes, upgrade the engine. and save cash for more things for the car.

Originally Posted by JPDsupra
Supras are extremely reliable I mean it a toyota and it can be used as a daily driver but it need to be properly maintained(timing belt etc.)
Your totally correct, but i can't forget there is a principle that i learned with my Mustang. Performance, comes at a Cost, not only in your wallet but in reliabilty. sometimes, being high performance can really wear your engine and parts. which is why except for the New black pearl paint job, and flowmaster exhuast system i haven't done much , just maintaince and like make everything functional so far pretty reliable for a 1989 5.0Lx.

Originally Posted by JPDsupra
When you mean getting it tuned up do you mean bigger turbo mods or do you mean fixing for daily driving because if you wanna tune the engine I would really suggest you get a twin turbo(easier and better to tune and come with a stronger 6 speed manual). Tuning up a supra can get really exppensive depends how much rwhp you wanna get out of it
well tune up, as into, get it ready for daily driving, yeah. like i said i plan not on racing the car, and if i do im not going to race it stock or close to it.

later on, maybe a year or so after i have had the car, i will begin doing my research on getting the supra faster with more upgrades, My initial Goal when i think about upgrading it are like in the 350-400rwhp, which to me is good enough for a Road warrior in my eyes.

Originally Posted by JPDsupra
I cant give an exact quote on how much it costs becauseit all depeneds on how much wear you put on your engine but this isnt like a honda civic
Your right, i keep hearing it's not a corolla, you have to treat it like a ferrari, or a vett. i understand why, now but we can skip this part, i realized it has too many variables to think about. as for wear yeah that's going to be my baby, i'm going to TRY and not punch it on the gas and do stupid things.

Originally Posted by JPDsupra
Alarms should always be used you get a dicount on your insurance and you feel that your car is safe, this is my opinion I have this thing with alarms
the safe thing, yes i want that feeling, but the insurance.. nice, i was unaware of that , being 19 i can use all the discounts.

Originally Posted by JPDsupra
A high percentage of supras nowadays are modded and it isnt recommended that you buy a modded supra because they can be unsafe like you said. How much is you budget and how much do you plan to spend on this please answer these questions
Yes i really agree, alot of them are modded then go forsale i truely hate that with a passion, i would keep the car instead of selling.

and lately everywhere i look supras going for 45K+ cause they are super modded, it just kills me inside.

but yes , i sorta believe in to do it right you gotta do it your self. seeing as it is your car, no one will care for it to the level you will. beyond that yeah my budget ehh, i would say half of 25K to be realistic, with my Stang being sold for 5K, and money saved up from my job, i can afford to spend 9 maybe 10K. i can't go beyond that, since i need to wait for tuition inorder to buy books, and such and other bills, plus i don't want to run my account too dry incase i need to make a repair on the Car once i have it. i like to play it safe, so yes im looking for a pretty stock supra / Na/ in at least decent condtion. if it has no major problems i can pull out my tools and go to work on it.

Pwnpanas, and JDsupra thanks you guys for the help, i really appreciate it. i was starting to feel unheard lol, if you got any more questiosn please feel free to ask, im more then happy to respond. thanks again for the help/advice
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