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Old 07-21-2007, 05:14 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 214
D_Train is on a distinguished road
Default Found my leak....

So i was looking at my car and saw something hanging right underneath the radiator. upon investigation saw that it was a thin foam piece that looks like it came from the radiator. Regardless, i got under my car and saw coolant residue on the bottom of the radiator, like, the BOTTOM bottom (where it is skinny) and it looked like it was coming from a hold in the middle of the bottom of the radiator. This hole looks like it should be there though, as it has a few buddy holes on the outside of the radiator (it is symmetric). Does my radiator have a hole in it? It never drips on the ground and I only lose coolant when I am driving, but it is NOT a BHG. I have had many a test for a BHG and it is not that.
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