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Old 07-29-2007, 07:08 AM   #5
12psi boost
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Kuwait
Posts: 292
f00g00 is on a distinguished road

There are two lights on the dash that deal with the brakes. The yellow one deals with faults like having a bad bulb it will come on to tell you that there is a problem when you step on the brakes. In my case I need to change the yellow box tucked into the rear drivers side brake lite panel. Sometimes the lights can be working fine but the box just decides to go bad and say there is a fault when you step on it.
The red one underneath which comes on when you put on the E brake is also on when the fluid gets low in the brake master cylinder so pop the top and see where the fluid level is and if its full make sure the float inside hasn't gotton full of fluid and sank. Most likely it just needs to be topped odd a little.
Also check the wires and make sure they didn't get shorted together somehow.
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