New World
Please share you wisdom my friend. no i'm just the average cleaner guy when it comes to making the car Clean, you know car Soap, water, a Soft bristle car brush, and a towle for drying it up faster to avoid water spots. interior which i didn't do since it was so freaking hot here in Florida is usally Vacum, Clean out the mats, and toss in a few sprits of Fabreeze or this Car scent stuff i bought.
i heard from the guy who did the paint job for me about the bar of clay i would need to use if i don't wash the car often. which happened cause of a situation with water here, so no one was allowed to wash there car.. unless of course if it, could you imagine me outside in the rain washing my car using the Rain wateR ?
well anyways yeah man share with me your techniques and what not, i Could really use them to Bring out the nice shine as your Supra has. links to products help as well.
well much appreciation for the help / comment,
Alex ( cageceo)
P.S. just to be clear, lol, no i have never really done detailing.
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Last edited by cageceo; 08-04-2007 at 12:20 AM.