Originally Posted by cageceo
Rofl, that was funny as heck to me.
wow i Read it all, well so far i got this great brand of car soap im pretty happy with it. also got the micro Fiber Cloth's about 10 new still in the bag. wanted to know can i re use them ?? if i wash them or do i have to buy new ones each time i choose to wash my car which is usally every other weekend.
You rock man i really appreciate you taking the time to write all of this. Take it easy and hopefully you finish before this weekend so i can test it out and let you know how it Goes for me.
Yup, i'll finish it in time for the weekend. Hopefully i'll finish it today or tomorrow night at work. And please ask tons of questions, no matter what they are, when I was learning i asked SOO many questions that I thought were dumb but I needed to know so I didn't screw up. So ask away!
Inresponse to your questions, you can reuse your cloths, and here some people will tell you different things, but here's my opinion: If the cloth is clean, use it. i.e. if theres no visible dirt and no product wiped off on it, you can use it. I find the best thing to do is fold it in quarters when using it, because then you get a bunch of different sides to work on (you just keep folding it differently and flipping sides). Otherwise just wash it in your dryer. The ones that you wipe the wax off with you might want to hand wash so you dont f*ck up your washer/dryer, but i don't do much laundry so I donno if in fact you can wash/dry that stuff with machines. If it were me i would buy some more cloths (edit: i mean more than 10, you do not have to buy more cloths each wash) . They aren't the most absorbent things but they are so good to your paint so thats kind of the trade off. I used to run out of cloths when drying my car from the preliminary wash so thats why i've accumulated so many.
"Also in which order do i do the Clay Bar and the Scratch X ? "
Use the clay bar and THEN the scratch x. But you can use scratch X by itself w/o using the clay bar at all. The clay bar will get almost all the dirt off your car (you'll be suprised how much dirt gets on the clay while you are working) and i forgot to mention when using the clay bar, you will see it start to turn brown from dirt, just re-kneed it until you get a clean spot on the clay and continue. remember to keep it moist with the quick detailer that comes with it. The Scratch-x essentially takes off a MINISCULE (so so so super small) layer to get rid of the scratches. It is not bad for your paint and is also better than those other scratch products because all those do are fill in the scratches where scratch-x will permanently get rid of them (provided you wash your car properly)
The clay bar you can do once/twice a year depending on how much you drive and how often you wash your car. Scratch-x you can use to your descretion. If you have no more scratches, switch to this other paint cleaner.
because if you don't have any more scratches there is no more point to the scratch x.
Again, do the clay bar before the scratch-x. But both don't have to be used on every wash. You will want to eventually switch to the regular paint cleaner.