Thread: My 86.5 Supra
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Old 06-25-2005, 03:55 AM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 7
My86.5MintSupra is on a distinguished road

Originally posted by KingDiamond@Jun 24 2005, 05:46 PM
Yeah people stopping to ask if your selling the car is definately something i've had many a times, and the funny thing is sometimes the people say i don't care which one, i'll take any of them i just want a supra. Then of course i tell them not for sale.
Yeah, in a way its flattering that everyone wants to buy my car. But after about the first 150 people that asked, it starts getting annoying. Especially when you say "hey thanks man but its not for sale" and they start tossing prices anyway.

No lie, Me and my cousin hook the trailer up every once in a while and make a run down to georgia and just driving around looking in feilds to see what we can find. I found a 1958 pick up somebody had put on a late 70's blazer frame. It was 4 wheel drive. Needed a motor, wiring ETC. I talked the guy into selling it to me for 2500 dollars and hauled it back up here. It was sitting in the driveway which is off the road quite a bit but very visible. After people saw it sit there about a month, I had atleast 15 people knock on the door in 3 weeks.

I took white shoe polish and wrote in big letters "NOT FOR SALE" on the front window of the truck. 2 days later, guy knocks on the door anyway. I got extremely crappy with the guy....about a week later same guy rolls up into the driveway with another guy, they get out and are looking at it. I opened the door and politely told them once again, wasting your time man. The guy he had brought back asked what I had in it, I told him with what it cost to drive down and haul it back, plus what I paid for it around 3000 dollars. He said "I'll give you 6....I said "SOLD".

I wasn't as attached to that truck as I am my Supra though...I don't think if somebody got stupid and said 9 or 10 thousand I could turn it down. But I have laughed at 5 a couple of times.
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