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Old 08-15-2007, 03:30 AM   #3
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Texas Gulf Coast
Posts: 99
finaltable is on a distinguished road

How do you get the back apart? I've actually attempted this once already and had several of the nuts off and it didn't feel like I was getting any change in the status.

BTW...the mechanism itself does turn a little. It would not surprise me to think that the pins just aren't moving properly when I put the key in. I wonder if squirting some WD-40 in there wouldn't help.

If I am seeing this right, the mechanism itself is under the external reflector in which it is mounted. It also appear that the center section containing the key hole is overlapped by the sections to the left and right and I will need to remove (or at least loosen) those as well.

As I am getting VERY tired of opening the back with a stick I keep in the back seat any guidance you can give me on getting access to this would be appreciated.
Current ride: Not a Supra :-(

Last edited by finaltable; 08-15-2007 at 03:32 AM.
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