By the way i will introduce my self my name is Stan B. i live in RI im 17 i have a job and im getting my learners liscense soon so this is my dilemma i was always into cars computer paintball guns etc
first i started getting into computer b/c i love building things so i went on some forums did my homework and made a computer then i just recently went into pocket bikes
i have a fully customized pocketbike and i didnt know jack until i did my homework asked a few questions and well just listened very well to people
so u see i know u guys already probably hate people who say this but you know that orange toyota from FaF well i love that car so much!!
i would just like to know wat year/model was that car b/c u see i want to buy me a car put some money into it and well just enjoy it, so if your could give me like a crash course on these rice cakes cars please
and as far as cost wise that i should be saving up
thank you