Ok so I just got a 1991 turbo supra last week for a really good deal because, it wouldnt start

. I tow it home and charge the battery and it starts, but wont idle worth crap and sounds really rough....
So I get a new battery, and check the alternator, look at the spark plugs <-- they were toasted and one of the wires wasnt plugged. So new plugs, and wow it sounded alot better but still wouldnt idle worth crap.
I start looking for vaccum leaks etc. and then while doing so re-sauderd the wires going into my cam sensor because they were like hanging all over the place and just looked bad. I find that the guy before me removed my EGR valve and didnt plug the vaccum lines! Yay fix. but I go to start the car....nothing happens. I pull out one of the wires, no spark.
Sigh...So I replaced my Coilpacks, Ignitor, and cleaned sanded down the edges of my cam sensor and still no luck. I checked the Continuity of every single wire in the "ignition system" from the ecu back, everyone was perfect. What else could it be?
I have someone sending me a new CPS because it looks like mine might have been one in a junkyard and could of had some moisture in it so we will see if that does anything..
Have any ideas? Thoughts? Please let me know! Thank yah all.