Make sure your fan clutch is operating properly, when the car is hot the fan clutch should not spin without resistance by hand, if you can just push on the fan blade real quick and get a good spin out of her, then you need to replace it. Also check at the bottom of your radiator especially cause its not something you see real easily for corrosion, radiator could be all corroded down there, and the fins could be falling apart, check the upper part of the radiator to for any corrosion. I have had that where the radiator doesn't leak but when a lot of the fins are missing and corroded it can cause it to run hot. Check for signs of blown head gasket, i'm sure you probably know what to look for but if not, check for oil coolant mixture, loss of coolant, white smoke coming out of the tail pipe after she has warmed up. Also you might want to go ahead and just replace the thermostat to eliminate that as a possibility, there so cheap, and easy to install, its worth the 5 bux or so, to do this ahead of time before it becomes a problem.