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Old 09-19-2007, 12:42 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Hawaii
Posts: 23
808Supra is on a distinguished road
Default cps acting fishy

So i have been suffering massive powerloss and my 89 7mgte is kicking out a code12 meaning the cps, cps circuit, or ecu is broken or malfunctioning. SO i checked the cps and low and behold the cap was cracked. I got a newone from ebay and when i popedthe cap off i noticed there was oil inside the cps. Also the gasketlooked as if it had been melted neer where the wires enter the side of the cps. A brown wire on the right looked as if it has been burnt. So i check the cps but the gaps are still below 4mm and the resistance on the wires checkes out. SO the next step im guessing is to make sure the connection from cps to the ecu is solid but am at a loss as how to do so. I have a tsrm but all it says it "check the circuit" not how to do so =/.

Questions, comments,answeres? Anyone heard of oil gettin in the cps or think it could be related to the problem?
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