Guys, I think you are being a little tough on the possible yellow calipers. I mean it doesn't matter if its a Porsche, Exotic, Honda, or Vette, I think the canary yellow calipers look great. That ALL red look is beginning to look more and more common. Check these out and let me know if you feel the same, Calipers are being painted Friday and I need to decide. Speaking of exotics, I go to a big local car show here in So. FL, and I always have the ONLY Supra there and it gets tons of attention (more than the Porsches & Vettes)........that's exotic
I think this looks cool + My yellow calipers would show of Black Supra Decal to be applied after drying, (that will not show up on red, as well). Maybe I'm nuts but the yellow really looks better & better to me. My supra would look good w/ yellow I think or is my head up my ass?
Your thoughts, please or your reasessments, if any.