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Old 10-11-2007, 03:08 PM   #4
3" Exhaust
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Originally Posted by cyanide-is-a-way-out
well i just found the idle screw like 20 mins ago and adjusted it but i didnt get this till after whats so bad if i adjusted it?? and also it idles and 650 now but the air fuel is wack cause where this one screw was sposed to go it get loose all the time and moves down on this rubber valve thing on the left side of the throttle boddy witch is like hooked into a fuel filter thing its like a clear thing it leads into u kno what thwe valve ios for and is it bad that i just adjusted the idle?
well the only thing bad with messin with the idle screw, is if you dont know what your doing lol

imo, as for the other screw, id suggest getting a new one asap. local hardware store should carry it, just take urs in as a sample
86.5 Toyota Supra

((Current Mods)) :
-Slotted/Crossdrilled Rotors
-K&N Filtercharger
-H4 Projection light Conversion
-Magnaflow Catback Exhaust

-=Mods to do=- :
-Rust Repair
-Engine work
-Intake (Semi-Done)
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