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Old 10-12-2007, 01:03 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2007
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antia1 is on a distinguished road
Default 96-97 Supra SZ-R E-JZA80-ALFSF 6MT

hi fellas

I'm in the market for a 96-97 Supra SZ-R E-JZA80-ALFSF 6MT. I'm from Australia and on a tight budget. I cant afford a TT at the moment so I'm looking @ the NA. From what I heard, the 6 speed manual is much better than the 5 speed. Is this true. I'm just using it for normal road commute and am not using it for racing. So i'm not gonna do any performance mods on it any time soon, maybe the exhaust. And maybe change the doors to scissors doors which look damn gorgeous. Any recommendations? Maybe a another better model? Pls reply? I'm a noob and I appreciate your valuable input.
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