It depends on what amp you are using and how many speakers you are pushing with that amp. If the amp is 2 ohm stable you can produce more power with 2 2ohm dual voice coil speakers wired in series to each other and then parallel (bridged) to the amp. That would produce a 2 ohm load. If the amp is not 2 ohm stable, then 2 4ohm dual voice coil speakers wired series and then parallel to the amp would produce a safe 4ohm load and will prevent destroying your amp.
As far as sound quality is concerned, I don't think sound quality suffers either way as long as the speaker/amp/head unit is matched up properly. SPL is stronger the lower the ohm load the amp sees due to the increase in power (enclsure design is just as important for SPL/SQL). An amp rated with a max of 700w might be at 2ohms but would realistically only see 350w at a 4ohm load. Most multiple channel amps are not 2ohm stable(bridged). Phoenix has some amps that are stable to as low as .5ohm though.
Check out the Crutchfield website for some good information as well as and
What amp are you wanting to use?
'89 N/A, auto, bright friggin' red and really stock (for now)
Last edited by denny2hand; 10-13-2007 at 04:15 AM.