You want a 2ohm load in order for that amp to make 800w. In order to do that you need a dual 4ohm voice coil sub wired in parallel. If you wire it in series, the amp would see 8ohms(4ohm+4ohm). If you went with a dual 2ohm voice coil, and wire it in series the amp would see a 4ohm load giving your sub 450w. If you went with the 2ohm and wired it in parallel the amp would see a 1ohm load and probably fry itself. So yes, you can wire it in series so it would see a 4ohm load but only if you use a 2ohm dvc sub. Get the 4ohm sub and wire it in parallel and get ready to jam! I'm running an Alpine Type R 10 4ohm dvc wired parallel with an Alpine mono amp and it's more bass then I could ever need! I chose Alpine for the sound quality.
'89 N/A, auto, bright friggin' red and really stock (for now)