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Old 11-12-2007, 09:05 PM   #1
carl johansson
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Auberry, California
Posts: 141
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Default Help me win the race!

OK guys,
I am new to this forum, more importantly I am new to Supras.
I have just aquired an 87 markIII NA - with manual transmission. This car will be turned into a race car for an endurance race here in California Dec. 29 - 30th. (check out 24 hours of lemons) Rules specify that you can only spend 500 bucks on the car excluding safety stuff.

So the cars engine is toast. so step 1 is finding a suitable used engine that I can swap in. Anyone have any ideas here?

I will be gutting and caging the car right away. But since I know nothing about supras - you guys tell me:

1.What is strong and stout on this car? what can't we break by running it fairly hard for 12 hours on a Road Race course? not many straightaways - lots oif twisties and sweepers!

2. what are the weaknesses? brakes? tranny, clutch? rear end? what do we need to be concerned about - what will most likely break?

remember I don't have the time - and rules do not allow for lots of expenditure (organizers can claim the car for 500 bucks - you loose it!) spectators can also vote that the car be destroyed (usually they want the fast cheaters smashed!)

So I am looking for a way to get then engine straightened out - and then practical, reasonably cheap upgrades.

BTW - widest wheels that this thing will take with out spacers or cutting the wheel wells? and what size rims would that require!

Thanks in advance for your expertise and advise!

(in the way of background I build Bonneville salt flat race cars and road race cars - but only have experience with detroit Iron - corvettes etc I have no experience with imports - and my engine experience is limited - I have a great builder for that - but he will not be part of this project!)

Carl Johansson
Auberry Ca.
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