Back to basics.
You seem to have a handfull of problems and a very confusing problem.
Your click when starting is probably the starter contacts inside the starter. That is a common toyota problem. Just keep trying it until the starter turns over, jumping it will also help if your battery isn't fully charged.
Once you get it to turn over, pull a plug wire and hold it close to a body ground with a screwdriver pushed into the end of the wire, to check for spark between the screwdriver and the body ground, or "feel the spark"
If you get a timing light, hook it up to the #1 cylinder wire and even if it doesn't start, you will get a light and can check the base timing at the crank.
If those are both good, crank it for a few seconds and loosen the cold start injector, or any other pressurized fuel line and fuel should squirt/shoot out. Thats the easy way to check fuel pressure.
Get a stethescope and listen to the injectors as you crank the engine, they should make a rapid and pronounced clicking sound.
In my experience, white smoke is coolant, bluish white is oil, and black is fuel, but coolant and oil can be hard to tell apart, until you smell it, sweetish smelling smoke is coolant.
Even with a blown head gasket it should start, unless there is enough coolant leaking to hydrolock the engine, the engine will start on 3 cylinders. (ask me how I know that!)
'88 Supra Targa 5 speed w/ '90 7M-GTE

Currently Running Good

For Sale: Light blue body parts, Blue interior parts all from '90 supra targa turbo manual.
Also for sale: R154 trans, brake pedal, master cylinder, booster, abs actuator, sensors, abs ecu, driveshaft, 3.90 lsd rear end, radiator, wiring, speedo cable, 8 saw blade wheels, '88 ecu, relays, cruise control actuator (bad cable), empty fuel tank, etc....