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Old 01-16-2008, 12:45 AM   #5
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Basically if you take the thermostat out and you look at it. If it is stuck in the open position then its more than likely a failsafe. They have raised points near the bottom so if the thermostat opens too far cause the engine is overheating it forces it to stay open to prevent damage to the engine. This might be a stupid question but the antifreeze isn't dissappearing on you is it? You may want to check it right at the radiator cap. Let the car cool overnight and remove the cap first thing in the morning and then start the car. By looking into the radiator with it running you can tell two things. IF the fluid level is correct and also if your water pump is working. If its low add coolant and reburp it. You should see the antifreeze flowing in there as well. But usually you have to wait for it to get up to operating temperature before you see that. Two things to check. Good luck!
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