New Newfoundlander to the Forum!
Hello to all! First thing is first..... I don't live in an igloo, and I don't hunt seals... Now that that's out of the way........
I am 22 years old and I'm new to this forum, but not to the MK IV supra. I have never owned one, due to being a poor student, but now that I finished my education, and starting working as an Avionics Engineer I am ready to purchase my dream car!
For those of you that dont know, this is the first year that you can legally import a 1993 Supra into canada(under the 15 year act). So this is probably the route I will have to take considering the rarity of this car around here.
If any of you can offer advice to me, then it would be greatly appreciated. I have never imported a car before. Perhaps there are other canadian supra owners out here somewhere? I look foward to meeting / hearing what you have to say! Thanks for and help you can provide me!