Thread: hot start
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Old 02-07-2008, 06:08 PM   #26
3" Exhaust
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I have the same problem I think it would be leaking fuel injector in the morining or when the car is cold it needs the extra fuel to start. When you get back to your car from going in its still warm it doesnt need the fuel so it floods it out causing it to run bad. Take out the dip stick and smell it if it smells like gas it is the injectors more than likely, also let it sit and idle for about 15 mins if it starts running bad and missfiring then you have the same problem I have. And I put a new gas tank filter and pump on my car 6 months ago. mabye this will help. btw I havent replaced my injectors yet.
Supra Engine Powered Dragster

Last edited by carfanatic89; 02-07-2008 at 06:11 PM.
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