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Looking into a few options at the moment i want to bascially change out my entire gauge cluster.... Dont like the way the stock looks or responds + my oil pressure gauge is busted >.<
What solutions did yall come up with... looked into:
Lazer Guages™
So far i think the best option, gauges look great. Was going to do the 0-8 tach w/ boost which would give me another slot in my guage cluster for Air/Fuel. however i think this would make the gauges clash terribly with the stock odometer... anyone find a replacement for that? Also the price on these things is insane.....
Product Listing - CAR <--- the one at bottom of page in blue
i think that would clean up the look alot but doesnt fix the poor accuracy and busted oil pressure gauge ;(
1986-1992 Toyota Supra Turbo EL Glow White Face Reverse Gauges - RIG-762<- just not sure if i like to look when its not lit up, but would definatly update the look of my gauges as well as lighting. However accuracy and busted oil pressure would still be a problem.
Blue gauges, Boost gauges, EGT gauges, oil pressure, <--- These look nice, and with engine turned off are all black hehe. Not nearly as bad with pricing as the MSD but have no full size tach replacement option.... i guess not necessary...
Gauges, Custom Gauges, Tachometers, Speedometers by SpeedHut <--- cant forget about these guys probably a better option over EL glow place, look alot better however come at a bit steeper of a price... still only 100$
Recalibrating Stock Boost Gauge - SupraMania also just modify'n the stock boost gauge and printing out new reverse glow faces for all of them may also be an option.
Basically want all my gauges to have the same design pattern and all new/ or updated look and accuracy... Any ideas?