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Old 03-10-2008, 10:53 PM   #2
Supra Goddess
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Posts: 38
Supra Goddess is on a distinguished road

What exactly do you need to know?

I can give an example of my old cars VIN


J means the car was made in Japan. Most Domestic cars' VIN numbers begin witha number if they were made in the USA.

T is manufacturer, Toyota.

2 is vehicle type, in this case, passenger car


is the body line, series, body type, engine type and restraint system

the 9th digit is the check digit

the 10th digit indicated model year, in this case F = 1985

the 11th digit is the assembly plant. it is believed all Toyotas are coded 0

The last 6 digits are assembly line build numbers, meaning my car was the 151,972nd Supra made.
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