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Old 03-27-2008, 12:03 PM   #3
Twin Turbo '95
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: South Africa
Posts: 23
Twin Turbo '95 is on a distinguished road

im glad you replayed. specifically you. because I've read your post and your pretty clued up about Supra's. If there is no doubt that the internals can handle 600-750hp then i wont change the pistons ect. but i would let me sleep much more sound at night. lol. so the gearbox can handle it without a problem. damn i love Toyota for this! lol! what is 600-750hp at the wheels going to be at the crank? im thinking about replacing the clutch as wel. 100hp clutch.. the parts aren't pricey here. the rods cost me R4500. pistons are R7000 clutch R10 500 and they have to make a custom flywheel. R3500. around here for that strong internals it ain't much money.

1 bar is 14psi and 2 is 28psi. so you think 2 bar is a bit high??

i basically want a car that will haul ass when i want it to. lag isn't too big of a deal.

at 1 bar im using 95octane. 2 bar is only for race days then i use 102 octane.

do you think 600whp will be enough to get to 10 seconds. of not. what will.
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