52's common enough. The wires running from the knock sensors to the ECU degrade and cause too much signal loss... that's the most common reason for that code anyway. One or both of the knock sensors could be bad. Do a search here or over at SupraMania for "knock sensor rewire"... there are a couple walk throughs posted. This code may be solely responsible for your idle issues... and once corrected the car should run better in all cases. This code causes the ECU to add a lot more fuel and pull a significant amount of timing as it operates in a "safe mode".
The code 43 is another thing. having any trouble with your starter? If your starter functions fine and you're not push starting the car this code is, again, most likely due to faulty wiring. I'll post more info for you later, but basically you need STA at the ECU should be at 12v when the engine is cranking... if it's not the ECU can act odd in a number of ways.